New Pixar film coming from Safety Not Guaranteed Writer


One of the more charming, quirky, creative and heartwarming films to land this past year was Safety Not Guaranteed. Being as I just used four adjectives that perfectly describe most Pixar films as well, it should come as welcome news the the screenwriter for Safety Not Guaranteed, Derek Connolly, is laying down words for a mystery upcoming Pixar film. Connolly is writing the script with Teddy Newton who directed the short Day & Night (above), which ran before Toy Story 3 and is also very awesome. 

Pixar has a crap ton on its plate coming out. There’s the Finding Nemo Sequel, Monster University, two Toy Story TV specials, the 2014 The Good Dinosaur, Lee Unkrich’s film about Dia de los Muertos and a plethora of rumors swirling around a 2015 film that is most likely not this one. That is easily the most links back to other relevant stories I could put in for any single studio, and what’s more impressive is that all of them are exciting.

While information is not really forthcoming about the Connolly/Newton project, Connolly does say, “It’s totally different, the way they do things up here. You’re here everyday. You don’t go away for three months and come up with a script. You’re involved with a director and it’s very collaborative.” That sounds like a plan for success to me.

[Variety, via /Film]

Matthew Razak
Matthew Razak is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Flixist. He has worked as a critic for more than a decade, reviewing and talking about movies, TV shows, and videogames. He will talk your ear off about James Bond movies, Doctor Who, Zelda, and Star Trek.