Like last week, it’s time to play catch up as the best and brightest of 2013 continue to hit home video. We have Captain Phillips, which Tam Honks seems to be wonderful in, Bad Milo!, the only film about a butt demon this week, In A World…, a charming film written by Lake Bell, Charlie Countryman, starring that one guy no one likes anymore, Machete Kills, an explosively stupid sequel to a an explosively stupid movie, and finally Blue Jasmine, a film directed by that Woody Allen guy everyone seems to be talking about.
There’s really nothing on the re-release front, so it’s all about the new releases this week. I’m going for Captain Phillips and Blue Jasmine myself as they’re the only ones I have yet to see. The curious side of me wants to check out Bad Milo! also, however. Dunno.
Hit the jump for the notable home video releases of the week.

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New Releases:
After Death (DVD)
Bad Milo! (DVD)
Best Man Down (DVD)
Blue Jasmine (DVD, Blu-ray)
Bullet in the Face: The Complete Series (DVD)
Captain Phillips (DVD, Blu-ray)
Charlie Countryman (DVD)
Crossing Lines (DVD)
Dead Weight (DVD)
Dolmen (DVD)
Donkey Kong Country: Kong Fu (DVD)
Freezer (DVD)
Gingerdead Man Vs. Evil Bong (DVD)
House Rules for Bad Girls (DVD)
In A World…(DVD)
The Insomniac (DVD)
Instructions Not Included (DVD)
Iron Girl (DVD)
Island (DVD)
Knight of the Dead (DVD)
Machete Kills (DVD, Blu-ray)
Medaka Box Abnormal (DVD)
Old Goats (DVD)
Peanuts: Touchdown Charlie Brown (DVD)
P!nk: The Truth About Love Tour: Live From Melbourne (DVD)
Pretty Dead (DVD)
The Starving Games (DVD)
Sunlight Jr. (DVD)
Thanatomorphose (DVD)
Thinky Pain (DVD)
Vikingdom (DVD)
Zombie Pirates (DVD)

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Baffled ! 1973 (U.S Version/UK Version) (DVD)
The Lord of the Rings The Motion Picture Trilogy (DVD)
My Little Pony: Classic Movie Collection (DVD)
Nostalghia (DVD)

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