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New Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer has Peter Parker and Tony Stark at odds

The first Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer gave us a taste of the Marvel Studios webslinger, which seems to have a charm and ease that Sony never managed to get right in their Amazing films. The happy-go-lucky/I-love-saving-the-day side of Spidey is part of what makes Spider-Man one of the best heroes in comics.

In this new Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer, we get the other part of what makes Spidey a great hero: the woe-is-me/I-can’t-do-this side. The weight of the world is on Spidey’s shoulders, and sometimes he doesn’t know if he can make it work, yet he tries as hard as he can anyway.

Enough of my jibber jabber. Here’s the new trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Warning, though, this trailer seems to give away a lot of surprises.

I wonder if this trailer gives too much away about the story. In particular, Spidey back in the low-fi/DIY suit seems like it should have been saved for the film itself rather than spoiled for the trailer. That would make for a dramatic reveal.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

Spider-Man: Homecoming will be out July 7th.

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