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Nymphomaniac to have actors’s faces on porn star bodies

Even though many elements of Lars von Trier’s Nymphomaniac have been closely guarded, a few details have slipped out from producer Louise Vesth. According to Vesth, there will be graphic sex scenes featuring actors Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgard, Shia LaBeouf, and Uma Thurman, but she confirmed that the actors’s faces will be digitally placed on porn star body doubles.

Here’s how Vetsh described the process to The Hollywood Reporter:

“We shot the actors pretending to have sex and then had the body doubles, who really did have sex, and in post we will digital-impose the two,” Vesth explained. “So above the waist it will be the star and the below the waist it will be the doubles.”

LaBeouf had suggested the sex in the film would all be real, which is still sort of true. It’ll just be a bit of partial digital trickery. The post-production will also include double exposure techniques during the sex scenes to juxtapose image and words over the schtupping. Vetsh also revealed that the film is actually two parts, and von Trier still has to finish part two, which is another reason that the film wasn’t ready for Cannes. (Well… all that and possibly the Nazi thing.)

The first part of Nymphomaniac will premiere in Copenhagen, Denmark on Christmas Day. Nymphomaniac Part 2: The Smell of Fear will be out some time in 2014.

[The Playlist via The Hollywood Reporter]

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