
Official Slice trailer delivers pizza and also a werewolf


Slice | Official Trailer HD | A24

When it comes to horror, the 80’s are becoming as popular as pizza. Since around 2010, works inspired by the lighting, music, atmosphere, and tone of genre films of that decade have been churned out at a near constant rate. We got You’re Next, Stranger Things, Turbo Kid, It, and Drive just to name a few. The one thing they all have in common, though, is that they’re pretty damn good. Directors have been working with clear effort and affection for their inspirations.

These aren’t cold cash-ins or knockoffs. The majority of these creations are equal parts modern and retro and are completely genuine in spirit. Slice looks to be no different.

A small town, a werewolf, a portal to hell, and a shitty pizza place all bubble and meld into a fine goo of 80’s cheese, equal parts bloody and tongue-in-cheek. Familiar faces pepper the film like Chance the Rapper in his first film role and Joe Keery to add some Stranger Things cred.

As long as the comedy holds up, this looks like it should make for a blast of a movie night. And it’s due to come out this fall, as well, hopefully in time for Halloween.

Kyle Yadlosky
Kyle Yadlosky only cares about trash. The trippy, bizarre, DIY, and low-budget are his home. He sleeps in dumpsters and eats tinfoil. He also writes horror fiction sometimes.