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Olly Moss’s pop culture show: Paper Cuts at Gallery 1988

Olly Moss, despite being an internet artist darling for a while, has quickly become an overnight art world sensation through his first solo show, Paper Cuts, at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles. The show just opened this past weekend, and since then Moss has been popping up all over the place, though it’s easy to see why! In Paper Cuts, Moss debuted over 300 paper silhouette-style cut outs of various pop culture icons and characters, from classic movies like The Godfather, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and Reservoir Dogs to video game characters like Mario and Link to TV show characters like Brock Sampson, the Simpsons and many, many others.

The show is being reported as a huge hit and the beautifully framed paper cut-outs are expected to sell really quickly. The cut-outs seem incredibly well crafted, crisp and detailed yet subtle. The whole idea of trying to suss-out who is in each frame with as little information as possible is a wonderful challenge, that even pop culture experts – like myself – can struggle to accomplish. How many frames can you figure out?

The images featured here are courtesy of the brilliant illustrator Kevin Tong, who took some photos on the opening night of Paper Cuts and was nice enough to let us use his pictures! Also, the guy in the last photo below is Mr. Moss himself! If you’d like to see more pictures from the show, check out Kevin Tong’s Flickr set of the event.

[via The Fox is Black]

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