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PSA: The Skeleton Twins is not about skeletons

We get a lot of press releases here at Flixist Dot Com, but never before have I felt the need to report on one before now. Now, I don’t know about you guys, but when I see an email with “THE SKELETON TWINS” in the header, I click on that nonsense faster than my frail, human bones would normally allow. What do I expect to see in that email? I have no idea, but goddamn. The Skeleton Twins.

That’s the good shit.

Sadly, this movie does not star any rad, Harryhausen-esque skeletons. Rather, it’s an independent film about that one thing all independent movies are about now.

“When estranged twins Maggie (Kristen Wiig) and Milo (Bill Hader) feel they’re at the end of their ropes, an unexpected reunion forces them to confront why their lives went so wrong. As the twins reconnect, they realize the key to fixing their lives may just lie in repairing their relationship.”

Do you see a single word about, related to, or vaguely hinting at skeletons? Good, because I don’t either.

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