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Review: A Dog’s Way Home

Greetings, humans. I am Lacey. I am the pupper of Jesse. I am here to tell you all of the new doggo movie, A Dog’s Way Home. Why is Jesse not telling you of this new movie? Because my human is sleepy. He came back from the movie theater late. He had Burger King. He started to write the review while he ate. I woke up. So I ran to him. I jumped up on him. I begged him for food. Specifically for Burger King chickie nuggies. Those are my favorites. But he did not give me nuggies. So I deleted his article. He got mad at me. It did me a frighten. So he went to bed afterwards. 

I feel bad what I did to my human. But I was there when he told me all about movie about doggos. He told me while laughing to himself. I don’t think he believed what he saw. He seemed to laugh that people spent money to make a movie about a doggo going home. It makes sense to me. I would want to see a movie about other doggos. Mostly so I can bark at them. Or sniff them.

This is me helping my human. Because I am good girl. Because I am Lacey the Bassett-Beagle. 

A Dog’s Way Home
Director: Charles Martin Smith
Release Date: January 11, 2018
Rated: PG

A Dog’s Way Home is a movie about Bella. She is a fellow pupper that starts off as a stray. She lived with cats, but gets taken in by a nice human named Lucas. The nice human gave Bella pets, toys, blankets, cuddles, and cheese. One day, an evil man at animal control tried to take her away because Bella is part pit bull and pit bulls are outlawed in Denver, Colorado. That’s doggy racism! So Bella is sent to New Mexico while Lucas moves out of Denver. But Bella wants to be a good girl and runs away from New Mexico to find her human and help Lucas out! So Bella goes on a huge adventure to find her human and makes many friends along the way. Some human, some not. 

This is a movie that is aimed right at families. There is little conflict in A Dog’s Way Home and is all about cute animals, like me, doing cute things. Do you want to see a dog run around and look happy? Do you want to see a dog helping people when they’re sad? Do you want to see a dog grow up and travel across mountains to find her human, all while looking cute? Then this is the movie for you! Jesse called it “emotional manipulation,” but I don’t know what those words mean. He seemed happy though about it for some reason! Even though he knew the movie was manipulating him, he said that a movie about cute dogs is impossible to hate!

He seemed really confused about some of the animals though. Some of the animals were played by real dogs and real cats, all of which deserve treats for doing a good job, but a lot of times the animals were animated. We both agreed that the animated animals didn’t look good. He said they were incredibly fake and it looked like they were made of rubber. I barked that I can’t sniff fake dogs.

The entire movie was told with Bella talking directly to the audience. Bella was voiced by a person named Bryce Dallas Howard, who sure sounded like a doggo, but talked exactly how I’m talking to you all. I think I talk good! Jesse says not. He says “the narration was like if it was written by a pre-schooler” and that it made him laugh at how bad it was. But if he laughed that must be a good thing! I think that Jesse likes to be a grump, but he’s too shy to admit that he liked the doggy movie.

I asked him what he thought about the human characters in the movie. This was done by licking his ear. He seemed to understand what I was trying to say, so he told me that most of the humans barely mattered in the movie. They popped in for a minute, said a few lines, then they left. They left no impact on him at all. He also said that it was weird how none of the other puppers had narration and that Bella was the only one. I agree with him! I wanted to hear what the other dogs sounded like! That would have made the movie more interesting! Imagine dogs talking to each other through narration! I would have loved it! I’m wagging my tail just thinking about it!

But Jesse said that it didn’t really matter. A Dog’s Way Home was a simple and enjoyable family movie that anyone could enjoy. It doesn’t try to be anything other than a movie about my fellow doggies. The stakes (!!!) are low, but this was like comfort food. Simple, but fun. Forgetful, but cute. Worth a rental, or a family night out. This was the movie that you would watch with dogs like me, your grandparents, or your mini humans. Not every movie needs to be about spooky things or loud explosions that make me shake. Sometimes, you want to watch a quiet movie about a dog wanting to go home and be with their human. And my human admired that. Just like he admires me.

Now I’m going to stand on him as he sleeps until he wakes up to play with me. I’m very needy. 

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