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Robert Zemeckis goes back to Universal house

It’s like the beginning of every great romantic comedy I’ve ever seen where the bum gets kicked out of his house and is forced to start doing the thing he hates the most in order to grow as a person. That’s kind of what’s happening to Robert Zemeckis. After the dismal performance of Mars Needs Moms, which he produced for Disney, they are now kicking him to the curb and cancelling his motion-capture remake of Yellow Submarine. To add insult to injury, they’re also shutting down his Imagemovers company. Inciting incident!

Now, Zemeckis has lined up all these interesting live-action features while being forced back into the loving arms of Universal Studios, under which he directed the Back to the Future films and managing to bring back his Imagemovers company that previously resided over at Disney. Call me crazy, but to me this not only means a shift in production companies, but it also marks an end to creepy, CGI-era Zemeckis films.

Robert’s next movie will most likely be Flight starring Denzel Washington. From there we can expect movies about action figures, at least two different time travel movies and a movie about a guy who fights a sea serpent… Yeah, ‘Ze Meckis’ back, folks.

[Via Collider]

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