SDCC 11: Thursday Recap


Man. This is my first San Diego Comic Con, and I am tired. My dogs are barking, lemme tell you. Jenika, Adam, and I rolled into town kinda late today, so we missed the big fancy Twilight panel, as well as the Animation Showcase. I wanted to see that, because it had stuff for The Pirates!, and I really, really wanted to see that. SIGH. 

So, here’s all the posts we made today for Comic Con, along with all the pictures we took of random awesome stuff. Look back tomorrow, because we’ve got some major league movies to check out, including Tintin and first details for Pacific Rim. Check the links below the jump, and check the pics in the gallery!

A Conversation with Jon Favreau and Del Toro

Robert Rodriguez teams with Franzetta Productions

Robert Rodriguez is making Heavy Metal

Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For

Here’s Captain America’s uniform in The Avengers

Ridley Scott talks Prometheus

Just-“In Time” Timberlake