See The Art of Racing in the Rain early and free


The Art of Racing in the Rain might be the the ultimate “talking dog” movie. We’re reaching an apex here with dog movies and this film is just so obvious in its dog movieness it’s starting to feel like it might be the end of the trend. Then again, who is going to say no to a heartwarming story about a dog? Certainly not you, and that’s why we have free passes for you so you can go see it.

Just click the link below and you’ll be able to snatch them up. You can’t bring your dog, but you can bring a friend, which you definitely have, right? It’s not just you and your dog alone everyday, right?

DC Screening Details:

Thursday, August 1st, 2019
AMC Mazza Gallerie

Baltimore Screening Details:

Thursday, August 1st, 2019
Cinemark Egyptian

Matthew Razak
Matthew Razak is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Flixist. He has worked as a critic for more than a decade, reviewing and talking about movies, TV shows, and videogames. He will talk your ear off about James Bond movies, Doctor Who, Zelda, and Star Trek.