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Sonic The Hedgehog gets delayed for redesign

Sonic the Hedgehog director Jeff Fowler confirmed on Twitter that the film will be getting delayed from its November 8, 2019 release to give the animators more time to redesign the titular character. After fan outcry led to the director pledging to take the character’s design back to the drawing board, concerns of crunch for the film’s animators became very real. With the video game industry finally having light shed on its crappy practices, it was easy to assume the same thing would happen for Paramount and this film.

Thankfully, we’ll have a few extra months to prepare ourselves for the inevitable horror that Sonic will be. I don’t know if there is much the studio can do to dramatically alter how the blue blur will look on film, but at least an additional four months gives the animators nearly a year to get things right. I’d rather the film be delayed than rushed and cost people their sanity…even if we’ll all lose our sanity once the film arrives.

Jeff Fowler [Twitter]

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