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Sonnenfeld and Morrison pit dinosaurs against aliens

This seems to be the natural extension of Cowboys and Aliens. In-a-rut filmmaker Barry Sonnenfeld and comic book writer Grant Morrison are teaming up for what looks like the most amazing thing ever: Dominion: Dinosaurs Versus Aliens. The gist of the plot is that aliens invade Earth during ancient times, and a race of super-intelligent dinos are the only ones that can save the world from the alien threat. Did someone put a camera on me playing with my toys as a kid? Because I’m pretty sure I played this exact game with my dinosaurs, except with the added influence of Batman.

Sonnenfeld will be directing, and Grant Morrison will be both writing the screenplay and a graphic novel. For you non-comic readers out there, you might recognize Grant Morrison as the subject of the documentary Grant Morrison: Talking with Gods directed by Patrick Meany, who Glenn interviewed last year. He’s one of the most creative, original writers in the business, bringing us such delights as his definitive All-Star Superman, the best depiction of Superman in any medium(read Glenn’s review of its animated adaptation), and Animal Man, which was as much a treatise on fiction itself as a comic about a dude with animal powers. This is a huge combination, and it looks like just what Barry Sonnenfeld needs, with Men in Black 3 stalled out.

[Via Collider]

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