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The first trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home is here and while there’s plenty to talk about in the trailer itself the first thing that comes to my mind is how damn much this gives away about Avengers: End Game. Yes, we all knew that Spidey was gonna make it back but some of the other folks in here were not guarantees and now… they are.
Far From Home is supposed to pick up just a short time after the events of End Game so having Nick Fury there may be speaking to some hints at other folks not making it back from the climactic showdown with Thanos, but that’s still a confirmation of his return. Of course, the journey is most of the fun and Nick Fury’s presence raises a ton of other questions so it’s not all bad. Maybe the time travel theories are right?
Now, as for the trailer, I’m kind of loving it. Much like Homecoming, it has that perfect blend of high school comedy, superhero movie, and plain fun. I love that the trip to Europe setup could be out of any teen film there is and they are seemingly treating it like that. Plus, Jake Gyllenhaal’s epic entrance as Mysterio is pretty spot on, though anyone who knows the characters background should be able to see where that is headed. I’m sure there’s about 50 other small things I’m missing, but for now, I’ll be content to watch this spoiler-tastic trailer on loop.
Sidenote: Do you think the folks who wrote the opening jingle to the OG Spider-Man cartoon thought their music would one day be played in a trailer for a movie that’s probably going to gross over a billion dollars worldwide?
Check out the new poster below as well. Spider-Man: Far From Home releases on July 5, 2018.