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Spielberg gets presidential with new details on Lincoln

We have some new details on Stephen Spielberg’s upcoming Abraham Lincoln film Lincoln (this is the one without the vampires). While the fact that Spielberg is directing and Daniel Day Lewis is starring pretty much told us that this thing was going to be epic we didn’t really know much more about its story. Now, thanks to a recent interview, we find out it’ll be less life story and more death story.

Spielberg revealed that “Lincoln is not a battlefield movie. There are battles in it, and being in Virginia, we have access to those historic battlefields. It is really a movie about the great work Abraham Lincoln did in the last months of his life. We’re basing it on Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book, Team of Rivals, but we’re only focusing in on the last four months of Abraham Lincoln’s life.” Obviously those are some ridiculously interesting months as he not only ended the Civil War, but was then assassinated. He probably lived more in those four months than any of us will in our lives.

As for when we get to see the last four months of Lincoln’s life, Spielberg narrowed the window down to seven weeks by saying that he’ll be releasing the film after the 2012 election so that it doesn’t become political fodder.

[Orlando Sentinel, via The Film Stage, via /Film]

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