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Stephen King’s top 10 films of 2010

I love horror master Stephen King and I love movies, so naturally, when Entertainment Weekly had Stephen King’s list of his favorite movies of 2010, I took notice.

Without further adieu:

10. Green Zone – “one Iraq war movie that puts story and suspense above shrill outrage.”
9. Jackass 3D
8. Monsters
7. Splice
6. Kick-Ass
5. Takers – “This satisfyingly complex cops-’n’-robbers movie features great performances … and the armored-car heist is the best action sequence I’ve seen this year.”
4. The Social Network – “succeeds where Michael Douglas; Wall Street sequel fails.”
3. Inception
2. The Town – “Bad title, fantastic movie. … a strangely intimate film”
1. Let Me In

I didn’t see Takers, so I can’t really judge him on that, but hey, good list Stephen King! Now get to work on Its already, jeez.

What are your thoughts on the list?

[Via /film]

I love horror master Stephen King and I love movies, so naturally, when Entertainment Weekly had Stephen King’s list of his favorite movies of 2010, I took notice.

Without further adieu:

10. Green Zone – “one Iraq war movie that puts story and suspense above shrill outrage.”
9. Jackass 3D
8. Monsters
7. Splice
6. Kick-Ass
5. Takers – “This satisfyingly complex cops-’n'-robbers movie features great performances … and the armored-car heist is the best action sequence I’ve seen this year.”
4. The Social Network – “succeeds where Michael Douglas; Wall Street sequel fails.”
3. Inception
2. The Town – “Bad title, fantastic movie. … a strangely intimate film”
1. Let Me In

I didn’t see Takers, so I can’t really judge him on that, but hey, good list Stephen King! Now get to work on Its already, jeez.

What are your thoughts on the list?

[Via /film]

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