Currently we can blame China for a lot of crappiness what with their destroying of the world economy in full swing at the moment. On top of this they’re probably going to be responsible for a sequel to Terminator: Genisys being made as that film just made a crap ton of money there. The film surged back to number one in the international markets as it opened in China with a bow of $27.4M at 25,000 locations.
The movie was the first Hollywood production to open in China since Jurassic World thanks to the country’s ban on foreign films for a few months every summer in order to encourage money going to Chinese movies. It shouldn’t be much of a surprise that the film succeeded. Star power is still a massive thing for international markets and it doesn’t get much bigger than Arnold. The Chinese will go to anything if they think it’s cool.
Of course, I actually dug Terminator: Genisys so in this rare case I’m actually really excited by China’s often poor taste in films. That’s why…

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