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The familiar faces of Tintin’s international teaser

The international teaser for Tintin isn’t all that different than the US offering. Odd, since European audiences probably have a very different idea of what they want out of a Tintin movie than the American market does. Often these localized trailers are pretty transparent in how our audiences differ.

This is closer to Thor which, in its edit, only slightly favored a character played by the Johnny Depp of Japan. Here, emphasis is on the canine sidekick Snowy, with quick peeks at more supporting characters. Dupont and Dupond are somewhat revealed (see above) to no surprise at all, with keener eyed fans pointing to Allan Thompson, Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine, and Bunji Kuraki from the Yokohama police.

Feels a bit strange to me that this is being done by Speilberg rather than a smaller budget French production but hey, I read them in English so it isn’t exactly a dealbreaker. Tintin is as much a part of my childhood as the American splendor of Calvin & Hobbes so I have no choice but to get really, really excited until this film almost satisfies my expectations or lets me down completely. As they say, C’est la vie.

Kick back to the globetrotting spirit of The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn after the jump.

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