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The first Incredibles 2 trailer is here

We’ve all had to wait wait a long time for this, but it’s finally here. Incredibles 2 has a full trailer full of incredible sequel things. Well, mostly just parenting. Of course that’s what made the The Incredibles so great; that mix of super powers and real life balanced in what can only be called Pixar Harmony. Obviously we’re all hoping for more of the same with the sequel.

Usually I’m a bitter and jaded film critic when it comes to sequels, but time and again Pixar has been able to deliver in there’s. Toy Story just kept getting better. Cars totally redeemed itself with the third film. Finding Dory was charming as all hell. They seem to know how to work their way around bringing back your favorites without just rehashing what came before. So lets all dig out our super suits and get ready for them to do it once again.

The Incredibles 2 releases on June 15, 2018.

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