The Network Round-Up: I Am In Control Day


Ready to get some history laid one you? In 1981 on this day President Reagan was shot. While he was in the hospital then Secretary of State Alexander Haig uttered the words “I am in control here.” The media took off with it and Haig was forced to step despite the fact that his words were not shocking at all in the context of what he was saying. Thus I Am In Control Day was born.

Haig is mostly forgotten, but supposedly this day has evolved to be about taking control of life and getting organized. I on the other hand have decided it actually means it’s time to launch my mind control device. World domination here I come. Step one: have everyone read these posts.


Talking Star Trek and Smash Bros. with Hideo Kojima. I’m pretty sure those three things together give any proud nerd an orgasm.
The grand adventure: Making a come back. Rejoice! Adventure gaming is back!
Day-long blackout planned for MW3.


New Spidey busts. Based of the new movie and looking sharp.
Tales of Xillia‘s Milla gets physical. Awesome for any fan of Tales games.
Plus tentacles. Fun times with fuzzy stuff.


JapanaTOUR takes a look at Kyoto. One of my favorite spots I went to in Japan.
Final Impressions: Another
Go West!: Hands on with Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

Matthew Razak
Matthew Razak is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Flixist. He has worked as a critic for more than a decade, reviewing and talking about movies, TV shows, and videogames. He will talk your ear off about James Bond movies, Doctor Who, Zelda, and Star Trek.