The Network Roundup: The King in the far North


Yes we’ve made it. My final Network Roundup of season dedicated to my dear King Joffrey! Well actually, this is dedicated to the guy leading the White Walkers. I dub you King in the far North! Did you check out that freaking ice spear? My vote for weapon of the year!

Perhaps the last episode didn’t have quite the bang that the previous episode Black Water did, but the end made me quite happy. Til next season my dear King Joffrey, I hope you enjoy this new hot chick that wants your goods! Destructoid invasion of E3 began with tons of kick off info. Japanator didn’t go north of the Wall, they went West! Flixist had some new reviews, worthy or The House of Undying. Finally, Tomopop brought on the wrath of the dragons with a fantastic Madoka figure. Who’s ready for True Blood?


