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There’s a trailer for Guillermo Del Toro’s The Shape of Water, has a weird merman thingy

‘Tis the season of San Diego Comic Con, and as such, we’re getting loads of trailers to sort through here at Flixist. And one of the best trailers we’ve seen so far comes to us from none other than the visionary director Guillermo Del Toro, for his upcoming film The Shape of Water. 

The trailer sets up all the major components of the movie. Sally Hawkins is at the heart of this story as a mute janitor working for the shady government characters that tend to populate stories of the “not-so-scary-monster” variety. Michael Shannon will play the lead bad guy, who of course wants to use the not-so-scary-monster for…science! Of course. The setup may seem like old ground, but the execution here sets it apart from past films dealing with a similar concept. The trailer has a beauty to it that transports the viewer to another world. Check it out below, it’s a great watch.

The Shape of Water hits theaters on December 8th. 

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