
Trailer: Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac Official Trailer #2 (2012) - Jackie Chan Movie

Jackie Chan’s Chinese Zodiac premieres tomorrow and then comes out across China on December 20th. Here’s one last trailer for the film, which is basically an extended version of the first trailer from back in May that includes some of the rollerblade suit stunt, a bit from another kookier trailer for the film, and a glimpse at a skydiving stunt that looks CG-heavy.

I’m still holding out hope that Chinese Zodiac is a return to form and that it gives me something to add to my top 12 Jackie Chan fights list from last year. No word on domestic release dates for Chinese Zodiac yet, but I’ll find out eventually. If you weren’t aware of it, the release of Chinese Zodiac comes a little bit after Jackie Chan set two Guinness world records.

Chan isn’t slowing down for movie #102. His next film, currently in production, is Police Story 2013.

[Via Twitch]

Hubert Vigilla
Brooklyn-based fiction writer, film critic, and long-time editor and contributor for Flixist. A booster of all things passionate and idiosyncratic.