
Trailer: Chinese Zodiac (Hong Kong)


Jackie Chan’s Chinese Zodiac (CZ12) hits Asian theaters this week, and this Hong Kong trailer for the film gives a good sense of the film’s scope and story. Again, it looks like a possible return to form for Chan, whose best movie in the last 12 years was 2004’s New Police Story. (Chan still had several solid fight scenes from 2000-2012.)

Unfortunately, it appears that Chinese Zodiac may fall into the same mire as many of Chan’s recent efforts. James Marsh over at Twitch has a scathing review of Chinese Zodiac, lambasting everything from the writing to the direction to the action. There’s also a negative review for the film on IMDb. It’s pretty disheartening since I was hopeful for the movie. Should be interesting to see what consensus forms as more reviews trickle out this week.

Chinese Zodiac opens in China and other Asian countries on December 20th. No word yet on US or UK release plans.

[Via Twitch]

Hubert Vigilla
Brooklyn-based fiction writer, film critic, and long-time editor and contributor for Flixist. A booster of all things passionate and idiosyncratic.