Because there are lots of interesting trailers released over each week that could go unnoticed thanks to the packed Summer, we here at Flixist decided to revive our old Trailer Round-up feature to keep everyone up to date on the latest and greatest!
So what was the the week like for trailers? Well there’s a hodgepodge of really really good looking (MAN OF STEEL) and not so good looking trailers (everything else). While we talked for some time about how these things may be too long or short, maybe it wouldn’t matter if they were just interesting to watch? Either way, there are some promising things out there, so without further ado, let’s get to it!

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Coffee Town (July 9th on VOD)
Starring: Glenn Howerton, Steve Little, Ben Schwartz, Adrianne Palicki, Jake Johnson, and Josh Groban (whaaaaaa).
Synopsis: Will (Howerton) runs a website and uses a local coffee shop as his home office (for the free Wi-Fi of course). When he learns that the shop is going to be converted into a bar, he and his friends stage a robbery to stop it from happening. Somehow that makes sense.
Comments: Coffee Town is College Humor’s first foray into feature film. While it’s primed for VOD, it might be interesting.
Verdict: If you’re going to watch Coffee Town, you’d probably be better off watching it with your friends…just make sure one of your friends pays for the VOD so you don’t have to.
The Family (September 20)
Starring: Dianna Agron and some guy named Robert DeNiro but who cares because he wasn’t on Glee. And Michelle Pfeiffer? That’s a strong line-up actually.
Synopsis: “The family gets into trouble when DeNiro’s character apparently snitches on his mob crew and his family ends up in the Witness Protection program, which sends them to live in France. Old habits die hard for the family though, and they have a lot of trouble adjusting to their crime-less lives.” – Liz Rugg
Comments: I’ll agree with Rugg. Seeing Robert DeNiro in his go to mobster role is sort of refreshing since he’s avoided it for a few years (or at least wasn’t memorable). I’m willing to give it a chance given the cast.
Verdict: If you need a Dianna Agron fix, watch some Glee.
Getaway (August 30)
Starring: Selena Gomez and some guy who’s not Selena Gomez.
Synopsis: Ethan Hawke’s wife has been taken because of his ability to drive really fast cars. And then he has to follow a mystery man’s instructions in order to get her back…which involve driving a fast car. Also Selena Gomez is their because she tries to carjack him.
Comments: It’s like Taken and Fast & Furious had a half-assed baby.
Verdict: selena gomez has a gun lol

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Insidious: Chapter 2 (September 13th)
Starring: Basically everyone from the first part and that one cute lady.
Synopsis: “Insidiou2 starts where part one left off or something. The entire cast is back in business, but the sequel hopes to flesh out the father more this time instead of focusing all the attention on the creepy kid.” – Nick Valdez
Comments: “There are a few creepy things in the trailer, but none of them look particularly interesting, but maybe if you were a fan of the first one you might like this?” – Nick Valdez
Verdict: I’ve said all I needed to about Insidiou2.
Kick-Ass 2 (August 16)
Starring: Aaron-Taylor Johnson, Chloe Grace Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and other cast members without three names. Also Jim Carrey.
Synopsis: Now that Kick-Ass has become a household name thanks to the events of the first film, other folks have started wearing superhero costumes and started doing things. Chris, pissed at Kick-Ass because of his daddy dyin’, dons a suit and becomes a supervillain named The Motherfucker. And the superhero fight, I guess?
Comments: “Seems like they’re going to at least have some solid action through the film so it isn’t all bad, and while Jim Carrey’s character seems to be there just for punchlines they could be good ones. So, yes, in a rare occurrence a second trailer has made me more excited for a film.” – Matthew Razak
Verdict: Ugh, this does not look very “kick ass.”
Man of Steel (June 14)
Starring: Henry Cavill, Russell Crowe, Michael Shannon, and Amy Adams.
Synopsis: Alien gets sent to Earth because his planet is dying, Alien turns out to be super attractive and strong strong, Alien is chased to Earth by more aliens years later, Alien learns what it means to be a hero. Also Alien has killer frickin’ laser beams coming out of his head.
Comments: I haven’t seen this trailer (because it’s so close to release, and close trailers tend to spoil), and we somehow missed posting it on the site, but all I need to be happy with a Superman flick is for Supes to punch guys real good.
Verdict: How does he shave? With Nokia cellphones.

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Paranoia (August 16)
Starring: Thor’s brother, Commissioner Gordon, Han Solo and Miss San Antonio.
Synopsis: Thor’s brother is caught between an old business rivalry between Indiana Jones and George Smiley. He’s got to spy on Han Solo for details on his next business venture because Sirius Black threatens his dad or something. Then cue generic action.
Comments: You know you have a bad movie when the entirety of the story (first, second and third acts) are shown in the trailer.
Verdict: Nice try, Thor’s brother. But no dice.

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Runner Runner (September 25)
Starring: Justin Timberlake and Ben Affleck, staring into each other’s eyes longingly.
Synopsis: JT plays a college kid in debt who gets into online poker. When he starts winning and feels cheated when he loses, he goes to a foreign country and gets in business with Affleck. And then money shenanigans.
Comments: We’ve all seen this movie before, but maybe it’ll be different with attractive men?
Verdict: Nope, it won’t be different. Run away from Runner Runner.

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Short Term 12 (August 23)
Starring: Brie Larson and John Gallagher Jr.
Synopsis: Larson oversees an at-risk teen center and goes through rough times in her relationship, she then gets connected to a new girl at the center.
Comments: This has whole a bunch of festival words, so this might be something to keep an eye out for it.
Verdict: Brie Larson? Yup, day one.
The To Do List (July 26)
Starring: Aubrey Plaza, Bill Hader, Donald Glover, and other somewhat funny people.
Synopsis: Aubrey Plaza is a school nerd who wants to lose her virginity before going to college. But through her misguided sister’s advice, she thinks needs to do a list of sexual acts. Then she does them, I guess? I don’t really know.
Comments: The trailer itself really doesn’t bode well for the film. Bill Hader is delightfully sleazy, but everything else seems lacking. I’m hoping Aubrey Plaza can hold a film all by herself. If she can’t, at least you’ll see her be awkwardly sexy which is totally my thing.
Verdict: It won’t be the top of your To Do List, but going ahead and check it off anyway.