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Trailer: The Dark Knight Rises

The newest full length trailer for The Dark Knight Rises, possibly the most anticipated movie of the year, does underwhelm a touch, I must admit. Granted, I think at this point we’ve got pretty absurdly lofty expectations for this picture, since the internet by and large views The Dark Knight as one of the best movies ever made period. As such, the trailer shown here doesn’t really help live up to those expectations, at least for me. There’s all kinds of cool stuff here, and I’m still ludicrously excited for July 20th, but the trailer’s just a bit blah for me. I don’t know. I’m used to Christopher Nolan movies having pretty kickin’ trailers, and this one is a bit less than kickin’. I hope it’s not the final theatrical trailer, as that’d be a bit of an anti-climax, as far as hype is concerned.

Really, though, it’s all immaterial, since the moment I can see the movie, I’m likely going to be seeing it more than once in a row. 

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