Watch a clip of Del Toro discussing Alfred Hitchcock

Guillermo del Toro on The Man Who Knew Too Much

It’s a beautiful thing to see a great director discuss one of the greatest directors in all of filmdom, and to do so as eloquently as Guillermo Del Toro always manages to be. This is a clip from the DVD/Blu-ray extra of Criteron’s release of Hitchcock’s The Man Who Knew Too Much, a landmark film from the master of suspense himself. Of course, Hitchcock was a master of more than just suspense, and that is part of what Del Toro discusses here. Sadly, it is just snippet of the full feature, but fortunately for you the DVD/Blu-ray has hit shelves this very day and I’m sure that as you read those words you jumped up from your seat, sending your laptop crashing to the floor without a second thought, and ran out to the nearest retailer to pick up a copy for yourself. I don’t even know why I’m bothering to continue typing, knowing that you readers are such studious fans of film. Well, if only to amuse myself I suppose.

[via Indiewire]