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Watch Bernie Sanders appear on SNL and make Larry David #FeelTheBern

The presidential race is heating up for the Democrats and Republicans, with the New Hampshire Primary taking place tomorrow. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders got away from the campaign trail and made a brief stop in New York to appear on Saturday Night Live with host Larry David.

You can check out Sanders’ populist, working class message in this sketch below:

Nice pop from the crowd as Bernie got out there.

But that’s not all.

Larry David also got to do his shtick in the guise of Bernie Sanders in this pre-taped bit, titled “Bern Your Enthusiasm,” an obvious nod to Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Of course, the Bernie Sanders stuff on SNL wasn’t the funniest political thing that happened on Saturday night. Just take a look at this awkward candidate intro for the Republican debate over the weekend.


There was also this classic bit, in which Senator Marco Rubio’s talking point software totally malfunctioned on live TV, at which point Governor Chris Christie mercilessly eviscerated him.

Heh, like a frightened rabbit.

This is like wrestling, guys and gals.

If you’re a reader in New Hampshire, be sure to get out there and vote in the primary tomorrow. Feel free to use the comments to get into an ugly, heated, ad hominem-filled political flamewar.

[via NPR]
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