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Werner Herzog will suit up as The Mandalorian villain

The Mandalorian might be the most exciting thing happening with Star Wars TV shows at the moment. You’ve got Jon Favreau writing and possibly directing some episodes, along with a boatload of talent adding their talents to making what looks like a Boba Fett show minus the Boba Fett.

If you’ve seen the first released photo then you already know how cool the as-of-now unnamed character looks and for a character that cool you need an equally cool villain.

A Werner Herzog Approaches!

Werner Herzog is an acclaimed director. Werner Herzog is a fantastic actor. Werner Herzog can be scary as hell if he wants to be. All of the above statements are true, so it stands to reason that he will be able to bring the menace when he enters the Star Wars universe. Herzog has confirmed that he will be playing a villain in the upcoming series. “Now this is not a secret anymore, a small part, real small part, in The Mandalorian, the Star Wars sequel or whatever you call it. I like to [act] because I know I’m good on screen, but only if I have to play a real villain.”

It’s unknown how he will be portraying this character. Will he provide a voice to a character, will he be in a costume, or will he just be his terrifying self? It’s getting easier to be optimistic about this series once it comes out sometime in the Fall.

‘The Mandalorian’ Will Feature Werner Herzog as a Villain [/Film]

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