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What was the best (or worst) movie trend of 2013?

In our second week of 2013 video retrospection, the Flixist staff considers the trends that were found in last year’s movies. Some people (like myself) focused on all of the terrible and negative things that films seemed to cling to, while others talked about all of the great and wonderful things that made 2013 amazing.

This week’s is particularly exciting because we get to see and hear the three newest members of our staff. The fact that they are all towards the end is not actually a trick trying to get you to watch all of the stuff from the usual suspects; it had to do more with length and what I think is a funny juxtaposition between Mike’s last line and Isabelle’s first.

Also, Michael (who is different than Mike) did some interesting things with his. So that’s worth sitting around for.

Or skipping to, if that’s what you’re into.

And once you’ve done all that, let us know below what trends you noticed and loved and/or hated, because we certainly missed some big ones.

[Header via Ashi Investments]

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