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Win Shark Night on DVD, spend your night with sharks

One of the most famous nights of the year is coming up quickly: Christmas Night, otherwise known as Christmas Eve. I’ve always found one thing sadly missing from that night of nights: sharks. I am to fix that by giving away three DVDs of Shark Night on Christmas Eve.

Here’s how this is gonna work: for one entry, you can comment on this post and tell us your favorite shark. Favorite type of shark, specific favorite shark, specific shark you drew and named five minutes ago, or whatever. Bam – one entry.

For additional entries, you can follow your favorite Flixist editors on Twitter and tweet the specific messages that we send out leading up to Christmas Eve. Each tweet will count as an additional entry (but only one per editor), so you have a lot of chances to win! The full list and handy links are in the full post below.

This is yet another US only contest that ends at 11:59 on December 24th. DVDs will ship sometime after the holidays. We will contact you for shipping info so please don’t disappear or unfollow us if you enter via Twitter.

List of people to follow and make the tweetsies to at the appropriate time (more added later, stay tuned!):








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