If you’ve ever wondered, ‘What crazy son of a bitch invented these talking stuffed animals that are obsessed with fly honeys and terrified of heffalumps and woozles,’ you’re in luck my friend! Fox Searchlight Pictures UK brings you the unadulterated true story of Winne the Pooh creator A.A. Milne and how he stole the idea from his kid and never gave him a dime. I know: f’d up.
Peep the trailer.

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It gets worse. As you can tell from the ominous title, Milne wasn’t just content to plagiarize his son’s life’s work and keep all profits for himself. He wanted the dolls too. Just look at the envious way he hovers on the periphery of his son’s playtime. Goodbye Christopher Robin is the true tell-all of how Milne plotted his son’s demise, carried out the murder, and got away with it all until new evidence recently came to light and unearthed this heinous, yet fascinating, story.