After the Credits: I want some butts


I have Top Gun on the brain, and mostly because of the unforgettable line, “I want some butts.” Don’t we all, Air Boss Johnson? Don’t we all?

It’s also on my mind because I’ve had an increasing number of people tell me that I look like Goose despite the lack of a bitchin’ moustache and flight suit. I suppose everything else is close enough, so perhaps I’ll have to work on the resemblance. Halloween, anyone? That’s coming up, right?

Oh, right, we just hit 2011. Woo! I hope your celebrations were awesome, but today probably means it’s back to work for you until the next holiday, which is on forever unless you’re a US postal worker in which case it is probably tomorrow. Jealous? Me? Nah. 

Oh, yeah, recap. That’s down below.

I have Top Gun on the brain, and mostly because of the unforgettable line, "I want some butts." Don't we all, Air Boss Johnson? Don't we all?

It's also on my mind because I've had an increasing number of people tell me that I look like Goose despite the lack of a bitchin' moustache and flight suit. I suppose everything else is close enough, so perhaps I'll have to work on the resemblance. Halloween, anyone? That's coming up, right?

Oh, right, we just hit 2011. Woo! I hope your celebrations were awesome, but today probably means it's back to work for you until the next holiday, which is on forever unless you're a US postal worker in which case it is probably tomorrow. Jealous? Me? Nah. 

Oh, yeah, recap. That's down below.{{page_break}}



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