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After the Credits: Low maturity

Flixist is officially rated “low maturity.” Thanks to community member buddytonto for pointing that out to us, though I’m pretty sure you all already knew that. By the way, have you downloaded the Android app yet?

Pixar week continues, and it’s pretty awesome. Keep checking back for the latest, and catch up now on anything you might have missed.

Flixist has an Android app
Movie Debate to the Death! Favorite Pixar film?
Losing My Virginity: Cars
SilverDocs hits DC, and we have your coverage

Review: Tomboy
Review: The Pixar Story
Review: The Inkeepers
Review: Ratatouille

If stars align, del Toro could direct Maleficent
Bob Hoskins REALLY regrets Super Mario Brothers
Danny Elfman to score Hunger Games and Oz
New Releases Tuesday: 6/21/2011
Warren Beatty unretires after decade of dormancy
Casting for dwarfs begins for Snow White & the Huntsman
James Cameron swears that Avatar 2 & 3 aren’t a trilogy
Netflix Now: No, Really Edition
The Hangover Part II tattoo lawsuit settled out of court

Trailers and Video:
Trailer: Flypaper
Trailer: Puss in Boots
Flix for Short: The Wanna Be Oddie
Trailer: A Dangerous Method
Feast your eyes on this Tree of Life clip
Trailer: The Skin I Live In
Trailer: Sol
Trailer: Footloose
Flix for Short: Animals
Trailer: Griff the Invisible

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