Arrested Development remixed season 4 dropping on Friday


On this Friday, Cinco de Quatro, the much anticipated remixed fourth season of Arrested Development, dutifully subtitled Fateful Consequences, will hit Netflix. Not only will this new version intertwine all of the Bluths’ narratives together in a manner more consistent with the show’s usual format, but it will somehow be 22 episodes long, instead of 15. Whether Mitch Hurwitz performed reshoots, used past footage, or used some other magic to create seven additional episodes out of whole cloth remains to be seen.

In the announcement, which Hurwitz posted to social media, he also announced a forthcoming announcement for the fifth season, which he says will be landing very soon.

There are, like, gallons of excitement swishing around inside me right now. Arrested Development has such a unique style of humor, and I even enjoyed the fourth season as it was, despite its faults. It’s going to be a joy to re-experience the season and see what new material will arise from this shift in perspective.

And it’s great to see The Hurwitz Company churning out new material after the unfortunate cancellation of Lady Dynamite.

Arrested Development Boss Announces Season 4 ‘Remix’ (He Fixed It!), Says Season 5 Is Coming ‘Really Soon’ [TV Line]

Kyle Yadlosky
Kyle Yadlosky only cares about trash. The trippy, bizarre, DIY, and low-budget are his home. He sleeps in dumpsters and eats tinfoil. He also writes horror fiction sometimes.