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Avengers screenwriter Zak Penn talks fan expectations

Fan excitement is predictably enormous for The Avengers movie, which will finally wrap up the Marvel movie masterplan by bringing together Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and the Hulk (along with a number of supporting characters from those films) under the watchful eye of geek hero Joss Whedon. Screenwriter Zak Penn has given interviews to Collider and Superherohype regarding his experiences writing the movie and while an NDA prevented him giving out any concrete details, he did have this to say on fan expectations:

Well, you’ve got to try to not think about those things. You have to. A lot of times, the fans have pretty smart things to say about what they’d like to see. Quite often, their interpretation of why it wasn’t what they wanted it to be is a little skewed. […] But, I do think it’s valuable to know what it is that people want to see in the movie. Particularly on something like The Avengers, or the X-Men movies, it’s such a slippery slope. You’ve got to just try to put your head in the sand and write the best story you can.

You can read the full quote in the Collider interview. I agree with Penn on this: fans can be insanely protective of the things they love and confuse blind faithfulness for quality. Better to stay true to the spirit of the property but make it work for its new medium than end up with another mess like Zack Snyder’s Watchmen, which in my opinion got both of those things badly wrong.

[via Collider and Superherohype]

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