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Ben Affleck makes his debut as Batman beside Batmobile

Update: AMC (who the hell knows why they have it) gives us a closer look at the Batsuit, showing off more of the fibery style than the Snyder pic. 

It seems that things are heating up for Batman vs. Superman as Zack Snyder is showing off the first images related to the film. Yesterday we got a little Batmobile butt action, but today we get a good clean look at what Batman is going to look like in the new film. Evidently the look is jacked as all hell. Gone is the armor plated style suit and it’s replaced by muscles on top of muscles. 

It’s an interesting change that shows a definite shift in direction for the look and feel of Batman from the Nolan films. The costume feels more visceral, and the photo lends a very somber feel to everything. That’s definitely Affleck’s (or as we have dubbed him here Sadffleck) chin, but those muscles not so much. I do like the new, more traditional style Batmobile that combies the tumbler from the Nolan films and Batman’s original look a bit better.

What say you, folks?


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