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C2E2 2012: Cosplay it, don’t spray it

This year’s Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2) took place from April 13th to April 15th. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much of a film presence this year, so my friend Charles and I decided to do what half of the rest of the convention were doing: taking photos of the cosplayers. Everybody on the internet likes, or is fascinated, by them, right?

Considering we are a film website, I’ve whittled down the collection of photos taken to share the more film-relevant costumes. Added into the mix are some of the merchandise from Captain America: The First Avenger that was being auctioned off. If there’s an interest to see the rest of the non-film cosplayers, I’ll probably make a cBlog or something to satiate your minds.

[Photo Credit to Charles J. Williams (except for the last six photos)]

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