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Check out these new posters for Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Can you believe it? Two stories about Star Wars posters in one week, except this time, the posters are for the new movie. An eagle eyed fan noticed these early posters for The Force Awakens posted a little too early on a Spanish Star Wars fan page on Facebook. It’s not quite clear if these images are the official posters for the movie or just promotional art, since there doesn’t seem to be any text on them yet. We’ll just have to wait for some official word from Lucasfilm or Disney on that one.

The posters show of some brooding closer looks at some of the images we’ve seen in the few sneak peeks we’ve gotten, including the new Stormtrooper redesign and that crazy hilted lightsaber. It’s also worth noting that these images don’t seem to be the traditional Drew Struzan illustrations, much like the other six Star Wars movies, lending some more peculiarity to the images.

We’ll try to keep you guys posted with any updates as to the nature of these images and how they will ultimately be used in preparation for The Force Awakens, but for now, you can continue to peruse over them in the gallery below.

[via Polygon]

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