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Craig Robinson is the Anti-Christ

Craig Robinson’s got a hell of a role on his hands in Rapturepalooza, a comedy in development at Lionsgate. He will be playing the Anti-Christ in the time after the Rapture brings all of God’s faithful little gents up into Heaven, and we’re all stuck down here with, well, Craig Robinson as the Anti-Christ. The synopsis is as follows:

The comedy takes place a year after a religious apocalypse strips away half the world’s population. Ben and Lindsey try to reestablishing their sandwich cart business. Beyond the occasional blood rainstorm and talking locusts that surface occasionally, the sandwich sellers have a new problem: the Anti-Christ (Robinson) decides he wants to take Lindsey as his bride.

This, if nothing else, sounds pretty different. It could easily go the way of Year One, a promising concept made terrible by literally every other force on this earth. I like to remain hopeful, as I love Craig Robinson, and the plot seems just ridiculous enough to be delightful.

[Via JoBlo]

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