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David Slade is set for a Dark Harvest

It seems natural that Halloween would attract supernatural tales involving a murderous pumpkin. That is at least part of the thinking behind the novel Dark Harvest. This novel is now being adapting into a movie with David Slade jumping on as director. David Slade is known for his work on Hard Candy and 30 Days of Night. The novel’s subject matter involves a rite where teenage boys are faced with The October Boy, a supernatural being who preys on the town once a year.

“Halloween, 1963. They call him the October Boy, or Ol’ Hacksaw Face, or Sawtooth Jack. Whatever the name, everybody in this small Midwestern town knows who he is. How he rises from the cornfields every Halloween, a butcher knife in his hand, and makes his way toward town, where gangs of teenage boys eagerly await their chance to confront the legendary nightmare. Both the hunter and the hunted, the October Boy is the prize in an annual rite of life and death.”

I’m always up for a good spooky movie to watch around Halloween. Not being familiar with the book, it is unclear if this movie will veer more into the horror elements or will be a coming of age story with some scary elements. Based on the synopsis, it sounds like it could be a fun ride.

It is currently unknown when Dark Harvest will begin production.

Halloween-Themed ‘Dark Harvest’ Movie On the Way From ’30 Days of Night’ Director David Slade [/Film]

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