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First trailer for Kevin Hart’s Quibi film, Die Hart, definitely features Die Hard jokes

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Quibi may be struggling (hint: its not COVID’s fault) but they’re still releasing a host of content with big names. Their next attempt at turning a movie into a bunch of bite-sized nuggets will be Die Hart and the film looks… funny? I mean, Kevin Hart knows his comedy, and when he tries it can work. On the other hand, John Travolta is in the movie and that is very often not a good thing. Still, this first trailer doesn’t look all bad and at least the premise is insanely meta.

Hart stars as a film star who is trying to no longer be Dwayne Johnson’s sidekick in movies anymore, a role that the actor himself takes on often. No one will let him do it, though, so he decides to go to action star school where a man named Ron (Travolta) locks him in a room and goes a bit crazy on him. It isn’t quite clear if Ron himself will become the film’s antagonist but it does appear that Hart’s character does eventually have to use his action skills in real life.

Quibi will cut Die Hart up into parts and release each one daily from July 20 onward until the film is finished. It isn’t the best way to watch a movie but it is the entire premise of their platform so that’s why we get it. This probably won’t drive too many new subscribers over to them but for fans of Hart who are already on the platform it could be fun.

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