Gaze at a slew of new photos for The Rise of Skywalker


We’re just at/just under a month until the release of Star Wars – Episode IX (those pesky evening screenings the day before have come to complicate releases a bit), and what better way to celebrate than fan the flames of hype?

Entertainment Weekly has swooped in with a whole grab bag of new images from the upcoming finale to the Star Wars saga, giving further glimpses at returning faces (and helmets) that we’ll get to adventure with this December.

With The Mandolorian starting strong just a week ago today and Rise hitting theaters in a month, Disney and Star Wars fans have a lot to be excited about. 

Take a look at the full gallery below, and prepare for The Rise of Skywalker, which releases December 20.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker reveals 8 new photos [Entertainment Weekly]