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Moonrise Kingdom animated short to appear online

Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom is spreading out into other cities this weekend, and with the expansion comes news of even more Moonrise Kingdom goodness. And yea, it shall come in the form of an animated short. Anderson revealed to Coming Soon that the short concerns the books that Suzy (Kara Hayward) reads in the film. He said the following:

[They’re] sort of sci-fi/fantasy books. We had to invent them and give a little glimpse of each one. Different artists, most of whom very close to the filmmakers, were doing these. In fact, we have now animated them, each little passage, each in the style of the cover of the book.

Bob Balaban will host/narrate the short, which will appear online next week. They may be in the same vein as the Moonrise Kingdom behind-the-scenes videos from a little while back, or perhaps this will be its own sort of thing.

I’m probably going to watch Moonrise Kingdom again this weekend if I can wrangle up the cash somehow. (Got a big can o’ change to feed a Coinstar machine.) Hopefully they’ll project the movie properly this time; or, like last time, I’ll be annoyed for a few minutes before being enchanted, and will go see it again the week after that.

[Via Coming Soon]

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