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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies finds a director

Other than the above fantastic header, I don’t really hold for the recent craze of Classical Novel and Monster books that have been hitting in the wake of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. They strike me as a lazy and “LOL RANDOM” way of appropriating classics. Back in my day, we had Classics Illustrated, and we liked it.

At any rate, this stuff is continuing, and it’s all gotta hit the silver screen to boot. Craig Gillespie is all but set to direct the adaptation of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and it’s actually a hell of a choice. Gillespie directed the wonderful and off-putting Lars and the Real Girl, the upcoming Fright Night remake, and multiple episodes of the phenomenal United States of Tara. Given the material here, Gillespie has some decent sensibilities for this sort of project, so I’d imagine he can do something interesting with it. My advice? Play it as straight as possible. Yes, the story is that the Bennetts are all kung-fu masters that fight zombies, but if you play it more like the BBC Pride and Prejudice miniseries and less like Shaun of the Dead, there’s the chance to elevate the relatively pedestrian material into something truly surreal.

[Via Deadline]

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