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Review Roundup #8

We’ve got some pretty large numbers in the recap this week, including a whopping 9.60 for The Illusionist. A 9.60! We’re still really early on in Flixist’s life, but a score that big is a really, really big deal. It’s a “we might not see another score that high all year” sort of big deal. Curious about why that film deserved such a high score? Check out the review for the answer.

How to Train Your Dragon also got a very high score from Siobhan. I’ve unfortunately not seen that film yet, but I keep hearing a lot of really wonderful things about it. Someone needs to bring it over to my house and tie me to a chair or something. That’s about the only way I’ll find time to watch all the movies I need to watch.

For all the reviews from the past two weeks, check out the rest of the post below. 

We've got some pretty large numbers in the recap this week, including a whopping 9.60 for The Illusionist. A 9.60! We're still really early on in Flixist's life, but a score that big is a really, really big deal. It's a "we might not see another score that high all year" sort of big deal. Curious about why that film deserved such a high score? Check out the review for the answer.

How to Train Your Dragon also got a very high score from Siobhan. I've unfortunately not seen that film yet, but I keep hearing a lot of really wonderful things about it. Someone needs to bring it over to my house and tie me to a chair or something. That's about the only way I'll find time to watch all the movies I need to watch.

For all the reviews from the past two weeks, check out the rest of the post below. 


The Illusionist reviews:

How to Train Your Dragon reviews:

The Expendables reviews:

Another Year reviews:

The Book of Eli reviews:

Easy A reviews:

Season of the Witch reviews:

Rabbit Hole reviews:

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