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Ridley Scott’s I Am Legend vampires are better than CG

Francis Lawrence’s I Am Legend (starring Will “Movin’ in with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel Air” Smith) was okay. Not bad, not great, but okay. Part of the reason my enjoyment for it was tempered was that the vampires had changed severely from the book. In Matheson’s I Am Legend, the vampires were intelligent, ghastly, and full of the heebie jeebies. While the film version’s were…well full of CG. 

According to io9, Ridley Scott was set to adapt I Am Legend in the 1990s with Arnold “Get to the choppa yargagarya!” Schwarzenegger to star. The video above is concept and makeup work of what Tom Woodruff Jr and Alec Gillis’ (the special effects guys who worked with Scott on the project)  IAL vampires would have looked like. Now let’s all sit here and complain about how practical effects are cooler than CG and then tell those kids in our front yards to get off our lawns. Let’s keep their baseballs though. 

[via io9]

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