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Russian Doll has a trailer, will hopefully do Happy Death Day well

Netflix’s new show Russian Doll isn’t exactly storming into new ground with its concept of someone dying and then reliving the same day over and over again. Happy Death Day did this quite recently, in fact. However, this looks like a much more interesting take on the concept, especially since it’s a TV series that’s obviously going to dig pretty deeply into the mentally crushing aspect of having this happen to you. Plus, it looks pretty funny.

With Amy Poehler and Leslye Headland co-creating, and Natasha Lyonne in the lead, that comedy aspect is obviously important but from the trailer, it’s pretty clear this comedy gets dark. Real dark. Where my main complaint with Happy Death Day was that it didn’t go overboard enough with its death and horror, I hope this take is full of constraint. I don’t want to see Lyonne’s Nadia being beheaded gruesomely or her thinking up wacky ways to do herself in. That take is for the horror movies, this one should be far more interesting.

Russian Doll premieres on February 1st on Netflix.

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