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Squid Game creator expresses interest in a second season

Squid Game

Via: Associated Press

With the “unexpected” success of Squid Game on Netflix last month, it was no real surprise that a second season would be happening. At a recent press event held for the smash hit show, creator/director/writer Hwang Dong-hyuk told the Associated Press that he would really like to continue the series in season two.

“So there’s been so much pressure, so much demand, and so much love for a second season. So I almost feel like you leave us no choice,” Dong-hyuk said. While still too early to announce any kind of release date, Dong-hyuk mentions that he is currently in the planning process for how to continue Squid Game. Obviously, this sequel will tie up the few loose ends that were left hanging from the first season.

As for a hint at what might happen, Dong-hyuk concludes his short speech by saying, “Gi-Hun will come back. He’ll do something for the world.” With the show ending on something of a cliffhanger, that adds up. It doesn’t seem like we’ll get another round of games, but more a teardown of the establishment that pit so many innocent people against each other.

It’s certainly not what I expected, especially considering Dong-hyuk’s prior work. Typically not one for sequels, this should prove to be a new challenge for him. At the very least, it should lead to Squid Game becoming even more popular than it already is.

Source: Twitter

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