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Surviving Sundance 2012: Day One Recap

[From Jan. 19 to 29, Flixist will be bringing you live coverage, from Park City, Utah, of Sundance Film Festival 2012. Keep an eye out for news, features, videos, and reviews of some of the most anticipated films to hit the festival circuit in 2012.]

Here I am in Park City, Utah, braving the elements and watching some pretty alright films. The first day wasn’t quite as eventful as I had hoped, but I did get to see one great film (and one not-so-great one). I also got to speak to the folks behind Indie Game: The Movie. I also accidentally locked out this Cuban filmmaker I’m staying with, last night. I think he froze to death in the cold. That’s not technically murder is it? I should probably go hide in one of the screening rooms, now.

Check out all of yesterday’s coverage in brief, after the jump.


Five Questions with Indie Game: The Movie

With only a couple days until Indie Game: The Movie‘s long-awaited debut at Sundance 2012, I sat down (via webcam) with filmmakers James Shirwsky and Lisanne Pajot to talk indie, games, and movies. Game enthusiasts will be glad to see that the two know their material and have a passion for covering the topic — so much so that they hinted at making more game-related documentaries in the future.



Wish You Were Here
Dir. Kieran Darcy-Smith

Between its mystery and non-linear storytelling, it’s easy to see how Wish You Were Here could have fallen victim to cheap gimmickry. While it’s storytelling devices are see-through at times, the overall craft put into every performance and technical role elevates this film. It’s the rare film that hits you with constant emotional surprise, despite the revelations being predictable at times. Sometimes the truth of the moment cuts deeper than any unforeseen event possibly could. — Great, 84 [Read the full review!]


Hello, I Must Be Going
Dir. Todd Louiso

There is a certain festival film that can only thrive in this specific environment. I’m talking straight-out-of-film-school indie comedies about a 20-something-year-old coming to terms with life, while living with their rich parents who misunderstand their child’s generation. I think that’s a genre. It sure feels like one at this point — one that Hello, I Must Be Going runs into the ground more than any I’ve seen before it. Between its obnoxiously twee soundtrack, lackluster performances, amateur filmmaking, and cheap gags (throw up, haha!), it’s hard to celebrate anything about this film. It was made. Yet, that’s not a good enough reason alone to watch it. Perhaps, if you have a real soft spot for these types of films and have exhausted all of your other options, maybe the “so inoffensive it’s offensive”-quality of the film won’t wear on you so much. —  Bad, 36


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